How to prevent nervous disorders caused by excessive advertising?







The media makes money, and the consumer remains overloaded with advertising content.

500 or so years have passed since printed advertising appeared. Four hundred years ago, the Germans printed the first advertisement in a periodical. One hundred years since people heard radio advertising, sixty years since television advertising began its rally. It has been thirty years since the first banners and bulletin boards started working on the Internet. A decade and a half has passed since social networks and streaming services began influencing consumers with advertising content. However, the format of interaction between the advertiser and the consumer has hardly changed, the media earns, and the consumer remains overloaded with advertising content.


There is a demand for ad-free silence.

But everything changes, sometimes revolutionary and quickly like an avalanche. When there is no shortage of information, and there is a demand for silence without advertisements, announcements, banners and videos that annoy the hell out of me, without annoying billboards on the streets, radio messages stealing my attention. And I want to shout very loudly, something like this: “To hell with the best drugs for menstrual pain!” or “Got your holiday specials!” or “I don’t need your property in the UAE, I like Greenland better!”.


How media fool advertisers.

In pursuit of quick profits, the media often fool advertisers by drawing zeros to the number of addressees – that’s what they call those to whom advertising is directed. Also, consumers who see senseless and useless advertising suffer from this. For example, before showing the stream, they impose a couple of videos on SMM courses and menopause drugs… WTF, that’s exactly what I dreamed about. Well, I’ll probably consider the courses, someday, when I have more free time, if I’m in the mood. But not an SMM specialist, but, for example, I will study to become a psychiatric assistant. Perhaps this is a more exciting direction. In this way, I will be able to help victims in the battle with inappropriate advertising. As for pre-menopausal drugs, I’m sorry, the media simply fooled the advertiser, probably more than 50/50 they missed the target audience.


Proper management of advertising allows significant savings.

Well, that’s the way it is, the conscience of the media is their business, after all, something else worries. I guess I’m not the only one who is so arrogant, because I think that I see 90% of unnecessary advertising. At the wrong time, in the wrong place, or not at all what I need. Now there is such a buzzword “Targeting.” Simply put, it’s about customizing sales calls for what I’m selling to exactly who needs it. And who can predict where exactly those customers hang out, of exactly that age, sex, education, social level, who also has a dog in addition – the one in chocolate. It will save a lot of effort, and most importantly, time and money for the advertiser and nerves for yourself. But from what we see around, there are very few such genius media that know how to direct advertising correctly.


Watch ads for money.

The following conclusion suggests itself – we are now living in a historical moment when there are requests for completely new algorithms of interaction between the advertiser, the media and the consumer. And such a revolution has already begun. Haven’t you noticed yet? And what’s next, if very – very – very briefly, then I will agree to watch a lot of advertising that meets my needs and watch it for money!


Revolutionary moment.

If I want to view digital ads, I will fundamentally choose a platform where the user does not pay for viewing ads with his time and attention. On the contrary, he receives money for it. Apparently, such a revolutionary moment has come, the old system can no longer, and the target audience no longer wants to waste their time for the benefit of media resources.


The service of the future.

The service of the future will allow advertising to be shown only to those people who need to be shown it. Filters will be used to select the audience by age, gender, education, social status and other indicators. For example, if I indicate that I have a cat in the questionnaire of my personal account, I will most likely be presented with cat food and a beauty salon for pets.


Reward for time.

The consumer of advertising in such a service wins. Not only because he can choose which ads to watch, but because he gets a reward for spending time and attention. Also, the service of the future will allow the buyer to communicate with the seller through videos or posters, besides, the buyer will be able to demonstrate his impression of the service, product or idea. It should be added that receiving discounts, discounts and bonuses will also be a matter of a few seconds.


You can register an account today.

But probably, it’s time to dream, you need to adjust to the new reality. After all, such a service already exists and it is called Sociometer. You can register an account in it right now. And it does not matter whether you are a user or an advertiser, the benefits of the revolutionary change will reflect well on your mood today.


If in the advertising market there will be fewer intermediaries between me and advertisers, in the form of various media, then perhaps the world will become a little better.


Platon Kovalevich