Sociological surveys online.



Data collection is moving from phone calls and the streets to online.

Sociological surveys are an important tool for collecting data about social phenomena, opinions, preferences and behavior of people. They allow conducting scientific research, analyzing social trends, establishing connections and the influence of various factors on society and individuals.


To conduct sociological surveys, specialized sites are often used, which have in their arsenal software for creating surveys, data processing and analysis. Such sites provide convenient tools for creating surveys, preparing questions, setting answer options, defining the logic of the survey and checking the quality of data.

Some advantages of using profile sites for surveys.

One of the main advantages of using survey sites is the speed and ease of data collection. The survey can be posted on the site and available to a wide audience at any time convenient for them. People can complete surveys in a format that is convenient for them, on their devices, where and when it is convenient for them. In addition, it allows you to collect data in real time and get quick results.


Survey sites also provide tools for data processing and analysis. They allow you to group, filter and analyze answers, create graphs and charts to visualize the results. Such capabilities make it easier to analyze and draw important conclusions from the collected data.


Tools for data analysis and processing.

In addition, it is also important to obtain statistical analysis tools for sociological surveys. This allows for more in-depth data processing, identifying statistically significant dependencies, making comparisons between different groups and analyzing trends.


Different forms of surveys on the site.

Surveys on the site can take different forms – from simple surveys with one question to complex surveys with many questions and branching logic. It is important to conduct surveys taking into account the scientific principles of sociology, such as random sampling, representativeness, confidentiality, ethics, etc.


Sites for sociological surveys can have various functionalities, such as automatic generation of statistical reports, data export in various formats (for example, Excel, CSV), the ability to link to the analysis of results, integration with other programs for data processing.


It is important to understand that sociological surveys require the skills of sociology specialists.

Using survey sites is quite simple and accessible to most users. But it is important to keep in mind that the correct conduct of a sociological survey requires certain knowledge and skills in the field of sociology, statistics and research. It is necessary to take into account methodological principles, correctly formulate questions, develop appropriate survey logic, and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of participant data.


Thus, sites for sociological surveys are an important tool for collecting and analyzing data about social phenomena and people’s behavior. They provide convenient tools for survey creation, data processing and analysis. However, to successfully conduct a sociological survey, it is necessary to have scientific knowledge and skills in this field.


Something about the Sociometer.

What distinguishes is the presence of combined filters for analyzing the results of surveys and the availability of opportunities to conduct paid surveys among respondents – users of Sociometer. There are also tools for free communications.