Survey for Ukrainians about the attitude to the legalization of cannabis (marijuana).

Opinions of respondents regarding the legalization of cannabis.

According to the results of this survey, the majority of respondents believe that there are benefits to using medical marijuana. Some respondents are also ready to support the legalization of recreational cannabis. About a fifth of the respondents are categorically against legalization without any restrictions. The share of respondents by gender is approximately 50/50.

What do women aged 25-44 think about it?

With the help of combined filters in the survey results, the Sociometer service allows you to make separate samples. For example, from the entire array of information, you can single out a group based on the answers to the question “Your gender?” and “How old are you”

Thus, we can get answers that most likely belong to women aged 25 to 44:

Do you have experience using cannabis?

no, I don’t have 79.58%

one or more times 15.92%

I use sometimes 3.71%

I use 0.8% regularly

In your opinion, what should be the restrictions

for selling cannabis?

for a complete ban on sales 32.89%

for sale for medical purposes 62.07%

for sale for recreational use 5.04%

How possible is the abuse of doctors regarding prescriptions to purchase medical cannabis?

Massive abuses that will transform

assigning prescriptions to the shadow industry 37.14%

Non-systemic violations will occur 23.34%

Possible isolated cases 25.46%

There will be no abuse among doctors 14.06%

Should cultivation be legalized?

population of cannabis exclusively for

own consumption?

Yes 6.63%

Yes with restrictions of 9.81%

Yes, but with declaration in local authorities 10.08%

Yes, but with a special tax of 7.16%

No 66.31%

How can the answers to some questions be singled out?

In the results of the survey, you can make your own selections of answers to individual questions. It is also possible to form individual presentations based on the results of answers from the main array of information. This is done using combined filters. They are activated on the Poll Results pages, at the top, before the results indicators. They can be easily applied and deactivated.

Why is medical marijuana needed and what can be the positive consequences of its use?

Medical marijuana is used to treat various diseases and symptoms. Research shows that marijuana can be helpful in treating chronic pain, depression, anxiety, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions.

One of the main components of marijuana – cannabidiol (CBD) – is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-epileptic properties. Using high-CBD medical marijuana can help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve patients’ quality of life.

In addition, medical marijuana may be effective in the treatment of cancer, as it can stop tumor growth, promote appetite, and improve sleep in cancer patients.

The effectiveness of medical marijuana is studied in the world

In some countries, the use of medical marijuana is already legalized, so the medical community has a greater opportunity to study its effectiveness and develop new treatments.

With this in mind, the benefit of using medical marijuana is the ability to reduce the symptoms of various diseases and improve the quality of life of patients.

A survey on the attitude of Ukrainians to the legalization of marijuana is being conducted in social networks. With the help of free tools of the Sociometer service, in city, regional and groups of OTG (individual territorial communities).

Take part in the survey.

Survey results.