
Public Offer for Participation in Competitions on


  1. General Provisions


This Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Offer”) is an official proposal from to provide online tools for conducting competitions on its website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”). This Offer is addressed to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as “Participants”) and competition organizers (hereinafter referred to as “Organizers”). The Organizer of a competition can be anyone, including the Site itself.


  1. Conditions of Participation


2.1.Registration: To participate in the competition, Participants must register on the Site and create a personal account or use an existing account.


2.2. Submission of Works: Participants have the right to submit their competition entries for consideration by uploading them through their personal account or the competition entry submission feed.


2.3. Competition Rules: Organizers of competitions on the Site’s platform can set their own rules, including limitations on aspects such as:

– The number of entries each Participant can submit.

– The number of votes from a single IP address.

– Methods for verifying voters and Participants.

– The cost of participation in the competition, the cost of purchasing votes, and the prize fund.

– Other aspects.


2.4. Competition Periods: Organizers determine the start and end of the competition, as well as the deadlines for submission of works and voting.


2.5. Participant Restrictions: Organizers may set restrictions on participation in competitions for certain categories of individuals (e.g., age restrictions or restrictions for the Organizer’s employees).


  1. Voting


3.1. Online Voting: Registered users of the Site can vote for competition entries online and purchase the right to additional votes. Unregistered users of the Site can vote in the voting feed distributed via a link, without the right to purchase additional votes.


3.2. Personal Account: Voting is also available through the user’s personal account on the Site.


3.3. Anonymity of Voting: All votes cast by users remain anonymous to ensure the fairness and transparency of the voting process.


3.4. Voting Monitoring: The Site administration has the right to monitor the voting process to prevent fraud and ensure compliance with the rules. Monitoring may include:

-IP Address Analysis: Tracking IP addresses to detect abnormal activities, such as an excessive number of votes from one IP address.

– Account Verification: Verifying user accounts to confirm their authenticity and uniqueness.

– Anti-bot Technologies: Using technologies to detect and block bots that may participate in voting.

– Behavioral Analysis: Studying user behavior patterns to identify suspicious actions.

– Log Audits: Checking activity logs on the Site to detect and investigate suspicious actions and rule violations.


  1. Additional Votes


4.1. Free Voting Limitations: Each user is entitled to one free vote for each competition entry.


4.2. Purchase of Votes: If users wish to vote more than once, they can buy additional votes using their balance in their personal account. The cost of additional paid votes is determined by the Organizer.


4.3. From Respondent Account: Users can use their personal funds available in their balance to purchase additional votes.


4.4. From Business Account: Legal entities can use funds from their business account to purchase additional votes.


4.5. Purchase Limitations: The Organizer may set limitations on the maximum number of additional votes that can be purchased during one competition.


4.6. Expense Reporting: Users can view reports on expenses for purchasing additional votes in their personal account.


  1. Payment


5.1. Cost of Votes: The cost of one additional vote is determined by the Organizer and specified on the Site but cannot be lower than the established Site tariff. The difference between the Site Tariffs and the Organizer can be refunded to the Organizer’s settlement account in agreed volumes and methods.


5.1.1. Advertising Cost: The cost of one display of one advertising banner is determined by the Organizer and specified on the Site but cannot be lower than the established Site tariff. The difference between the Site Tariffs and the Organizer can be refunded to the Organizer’s settlement account in agreed volumes and methods.


5.1.2. Site Commission on Cost Differences: The Site commission on the difference in service costs between the Site and Organizer tariffs is at least 20%, the difference is accumulated in the Organizer’s balance and can be refunded to their settlement account.


5.1.3. Organizer’s Payment Restriction: The Organizer is not allowed to pay for paid votes in their own competitions.


5.2. Payment Methods: Payment for additional votes is made through available payment systems integrated into the Site.


  1. Participant Rights and Obligations


6.1. Compliance with Rules: Participants are required to comply with the rules and conditions of the competition set by the Organizer. The Organizer announces the participation conditions on the Site in the blog or on the competition page.


6.2. Copyright: Participants guarantee that all submitted works are their property and do not infringe the copyrights of third parties.


6.3. Ethical Standards: Participants must adhere to ethical standards and rules of conduct, not submitting works that may be deemed offensive, discriminatory, or unacceptable.


6.4. Fraud Prohibition: Participants agree not to use any forms of fraud, including vote rigging or the use of automated means for submitting works or voting.


  1. Organizer Rights and Obligations


7.1. Competition Organization: The Organizer is required to ensure the competition is conducted in accordance with the conditions outlined in this Offer.


7.1.1. Setting Participation Costs: Organizers can determine the cost of participation and purchase of votes, and the prize fund.


7.2. Change of Conditions: The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the competition conditions, explaining and agreeing with the Site, and informing Participants by posting the relevant information on the Site.


7.2.1. Justification of Changes:

– Changes to competition conditions must be justified and explained.

– Justifications for changes may include, but are not limited to:

– Compliance with new legislative requirements.

– Ensuring the safety and ethics of the competition.

– Correcting errors or inaccuracies in the initial conditions.

– Considering feedback from Participants to improve the competition.

– Adapting to technical or organizational changes on the platform.


7.2.2. Process of Agreeing Changes with the Site:

– The Organizer must inform the Site administration about the planned changes and their justification.

– Changes must be pre-approved by the Site administration before implementation.

– The Site administration may request additional information or clarification regarding the proposed changes.

– The Site administration reserves the right to deny changes to competition rules.


7.2.3. Notification of Participants:

– Participants must be notified of any changes to the competition conditions in advance.

– The notification should be posted on the Site in the Blog section or directly on the competition page.

– The notification must contain detailed information about the changes, the reasons for their implementation, and the effective date.


7.2.4. Effective Date of Changes:

– Changes to competition conditions take effect no earlier than 3 calendar days after their publication on the Site.

– In the case of urgent changes required to ensure the legality or safety of the competition, changes may take effect immediately, which should be indicated in the notification.


7.2.5. Participants’ Rights in Connection with Changes:

– Participants have the right to contact the Organizer for clarification regarding the changes.

– If the Participant disagrees with the new conditions, they can withdraw from the competition by notifying the Organizer through their personal account or other available means of communication.


7.2.6. Prohibited Changes:

– Reducing the prize fund or the number of incentive prizes.

– Changing the rules and voting procedure.

– Introducing new paid services or fees related to participation in the competition after the competition has started.

– Changing the confidentiality and data processing conditions of competition participants that may affect their rights and security.


7.2.7. Alternative Options or Refunds:

– If the competition conditions are changed, affecting the Organizer’s obligations, the Organizer must offer Participants alternative participation options or refunds for paid services.


7.3. Competition Rules: Organizers can set their own participation rules, including limitations on the number of entries from one Participant, the number of votes from a single IP address, methods for verifying voters and Participants, and other conditions.


7.4. Refusal to Conduct Competitions:, at its discretion, may refuse Organizers to conduct competitions in cases of violations of current legislation or ethical standards, calls for changing the constitutional order, signs of fraud, etc.


  1. Final Provisions


8.1. Acceptance of the Offer: Participation in the competition implies the Participant’s full and unconditional agreement with the terms of this Offer.


8.2. Contact Information: For additional information or in case of questions, Participants can contact the Organizer’s support service using the contact details provided on the Site.


8.3. Changes and Additions: The Site reserves the right to make changes and additions to this Offer. Participants will be informed of such changes by publishing the relevant information on the Site.


8.4. Right to Refuse: The Site has the right to refuse to conduct a competition for the Organizer if they violate the law, ethical standards, or show signs of fraud.


8.5. Confidentiality: Participants agree not to


disclose confidential information obtained during participation in the competition without the written consent of the Site.


8.6. Site’s Responsibility for Organizer’s Actions: The Site is not responsible for the actions of the competition Organizer, including but not limited to, the organization, conduct, and results of the competition. All obligations and responsibilities regarding the competition are solely on the Organizer.


8.7. Interaction Between the Organizer and Participants: The Site is not a party to the interaction between the Organizer and Participants. All questions, claims, and conflicts arising during participation in the competition must be resolved directly between the Organizer and Participants. The Site does not take responsibility for resolving such issues and claims.


8.8. Participation at Own Risk: Participants enter the competition at their own risk. The Site is not responsible for any losses, damages, or injuries that may arise from participating in the competition. By participating in the competition, Participants agree that they have no claims against the Site regarding any aspects of participation in the competition.


This Offer becomes effective from the moment of its publication on the Site and may be edited as needed by the Site.